AES Protect - Interface

AES Protect

Hide / Show
AES Protect Hide Show Buttons
The Open filename, Save As filename, count and passphrase characters are all replaced with a "-"
AES Protect Confidential

Encrypt / Decrypt
AES Protect Encrypt Decrypt Buttons
Which operation to perform when the Start button is clicked.

Start / Abort
AES Protect Start Abort Buttons
  • Start is inactive
  • Start is active, only when both filenames are given and the two passphrases match each other
  • Abort. Stops the current in progress operation, and displays a "Do you want to delete the output file?" message

A green Start button only indicates both filenames and 2 passphrases have been given, not that the passphrase is correct.

Open / Save As / Remove
AES Protect Open Save As Remove Buttons
Opens a file selection dialogue. The result of your selection is displayed in the adjacent box.
The x removes the filename.
The ^ moves the Save As filename to the Open filename. * Added in V2.03
AES Protect Selected Files

The Passphrase
AES Protect Passphrase
The counter shows the number of characters, 000 to 512.
The x removes the passphrase.

Red indicates the two passphrases do not match.
AES Protect Passphrase Not Match

Green indicates the two passphrases match.
AES Protect Passphrase Match

Notification Area
AES Protect Notification
Keeps you informed with progress, success or error messages.